Lemon Demon(aka Neil Cicierega)

Mouth Dreams


The fourth album in the "Mouth" series by Neil, this is another ethereal collection of mash ups/remixes of countless popular songs and even a few commercial jingles. Neil's ability to transform even the most recognizable sounds into bizarre, yet effective music samples makes for a listening experience without much compare, assuming that you are willing to fall into the insanity and swim through it happily. It's a farce, but a farce that both lovingly and without care toys with the sounds available to create something truly unique that blends nostalgia and comedy before going somewhere completely new by straddling that line. "Superkiller," "Yahoo," and "Closerflies" are my favorites for embodying the album's premise incredibly well, whilst also still being genuinely enjoyable songs on their own.


Spirit Phone


A bit of a depature from the Lemon Demon releases that came prior, Spirit Phone uses Cicierega's prowess at making sonically fascinating music and attaches a thematic throughline of the paranormal and mysterious, though this is not entirely accurate. Not content with being a hodgepodge of songs with disparate premises, Spirit Phone's air of the odd is felt throughout the entire record, even present in its bonus tracks. While the first half of the LP focuses more on traditionally spooky subjects done in comedic and funky ways, it's the second half where the record really nails the landing, choosing to make a statement regarding the subtle horrors we submerge ourselves in. It's likely the greatest record Lemon Demon will ever release and is a classic. My favorite songs include "Touch-Tone Telephone," "Soft Fuzzy Man," and the delightful "Eighth Wonder." It's worth the listen and even provides the fun of researching the many subjects Neil uses to flavor the album, giving the entire experience much appreciated depth.
