Welcome to my tiny slice of nothing.

Hey, everybody.

I'm sobriquet. I've been on the internet for the majority of my life and I've been in need of a journal to collect my thoughts on various subjects and events in my life. I am well-aware that most people aren't going to bother looking at this thing and I don't blame them one bit. Life is too short to look at some internet stranger's odd bullshit. Still, I hope that, perhaps, the various things going on in my mind might make someone else's life a little better, if only for a fleeting moment.

Welcome to nothing. Enjoy your stay.

To do list:
Set up album and game review pages.
Set up page for poetry and personal digital art.
Create an about page.
Link to this site on Pal.
Come up with personal scale for reviews.
Write a few short stories to host on here.